“My job is to awaken possibility in other people “

Benjamin Zadar.

My Coaching Approach: Connecting Heart and Mind

Coaching with me is a heart-centered, immersive experience.
It’s about connection—tuning into emotions, feelings, and visuals that arise, creating a warm and safe space, and even playing with colors and creative exploration.
I weave together the Erickson International Coaching Method with neuroscience, positive psychology, manifestation science, spirituality, and human biology.

I deeply believe in opportunities, in personal power, and in the force within each of us to create a meaningful life. It’s an honor when people invite me to support them on their journey.

What clients say

Personal, Couples & Co-Founders

Personal Coaching

€ 75 - Single session
€ 175 - Pack of three
€ 250 - Pack of five

A virtual Coaching session, 60min where the spotlight on you.

Couples Coaching

€ 75 - Single session
€ 175 - Pack of three
€ 250 - Pack of five

You guys are in a good place and want to become stronger together? Overcome a challenge? Take a decision? (virtual)

Pair-or Co-founder Coaching

€ 75 - Single session
€ 175 - Pack of three
€ 250 - Pack of five

Great for co-founders, and teams to get together, look into the future, and make evolutionary change.(virtual)

Book your free consultation

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